What is VIOXYS

Pronounced voxes /vok-suhz/
VIOXYS is a proprietary close-code System-as-a-Service platform. It started as a regular CMS and has grown a lot since then catering marketing and financial businesses. It predates WordPress by almost three years; the original inspiration of VIOXYS is Plone developed by Zope using Python language. VIOXYS core system runs on Perl with some codes that require optimisation converted to GNU C.
Watch VideoModularized
VIOXYS was designed from the ground up to be modular, with new modules being actively developed.
VIOXYS was initially created for an ambitious project that requires the processing of thousands of transactions per second.
Active Development
VIOXYS is actively being updated and new modules are being added to stay relevant.
Complete IT Solution
From server hosting, SSL certificate, email hosting, we got you covered. We are your IT-in-a-box.
MLM Platform
Although VIOXYS can be configured for different tasks, most clients use our system as an MLM platform.
Online Store
Our online store module is different from other available services on the internet; it combines MLM rewards system and online store in one.
VIOXYS' crowdfunding is also different; it employs our unique Coop Reward Rebate Module.
Interested and want to know more?
If you need more information, don't hesitate to contact us.